It has come to the attention that some unidentified parties have made use of our company name and logo to set up a fake website at
which the content and products are identical to our company products including using our Little Armoire Logo with big discounted price to attract customer.
Little Armoire hereby clarifies that our ONLY Company’s official website is
We have never set up any website at
Our Company has no connection whatsoever with the contents of the above mentioned fake website. Please do not visit the aforesaid fake website, or make any purchase and payment and or provide any personal information to the email sender or such a website. Little Armoire is very concerned about the issue and has reported the case to the police and ACSC Australian Cyber Security Centre. Our Company reserves all legal rights against all parties involved in the incident.
If any of our customers receives an email from the fake email address, please contact us directly at
Thank you for your kind attention.
Unified Australia Pty Ltd T/A Little Armoire